Thursday, April 17, 2014

3rd Grade Egg Drop Day!

One of the coolest things 3rd graders get to participate in at our 3rd and 4th grade campus is the Egg Drop!
On the last day before Easter break, in lieu of an Easter Egg Hunt, the 3rd graders bring their Egg Drop project that they create at home to school and watch their principal throw the projects off the roof to see if they created a project that protects their eggs!
It is soo much fun to watch the kids faces and hear the ooh's and aah's and splats!
Lexi's project is below in the box with the blue tape.

Here you can see how she filled the box. We did a little research, talked about it a lot and then went to the dollar store and let her pick out different soft and squishy things.
She used pool noodles and kitchen sponges.
As you can see, Doug hollowed out an area for the egg to live in the sponges. And it worked!
Here Lexi is with her teacher!

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