Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lexi's Second Grade Music Program

Last night was Lexi's 2nd grade music program. Last semester she was in art, this semester she is in music. She loves all things artsy, so she was excited about the program.

This is half of the 2nd graders at Lexi's school. They were soo cute!

One random thing that as a parent I really appreciate... no teacher on stage blocking the kids!!  I know that in choir you have to have the director to make sure everyone comes in at the same time and all that, but as a parent, I just want to see the kids! I love how this music teacher places herself off to the side. The kids know to look at her if they are unsure and she can make herself be heard for the kids to bring them in at the right time. It's a very audience-friendly way!!
The kids sang "traditional" cute songs like Puff the Magic Dragon, Red Robin and lots of songs I sang as a second grader!

Finally, as a side note... I took all of these pictures with the same camera I use all the time. It's not fancy and I don't have any special lenses.  However, I finally figured out that for horrible florescent lighting I can use the "sunset" setting on my camera and I get decent pictures! Yay!!

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