Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School 2012

It doesn't matter how well I plan or how early I get up,
the first day of school always ends up hectic and full of bellowing.
So as we were running out the door, here are a few pictures of the adventure.
For some reason, the pictures are all icky.
Oh well.
The girls are pictured in their first day of school outfits picked out by Doug.
(one of my favorite traditions!!)

And, I saw this on a another mom's blog... it says, "Kylie wants to be a doctor." 8/27/12
And here is Lexi. Her shirt says pink glitter makes me smile!! So true!!

Lexi's sign says, "Lexi wants to be a horse trainer or a vet."
And finally, Maddie!
I can't believe she is in Junior High!! Oh how I remember 7th grade.
Maddie's sign says she wants to be an architect. 

And right before we walked out the door, here is a picture of me. I have to say, I'm bummed with the photo. I know I looked better in person. oh well.
And were off for 2012-2013!!

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