Friday, January 13, 2012

A Pre-Valentine, Post-Anniversary Gift for the Foyer

With the way I titled this post, you might think that I gave a gift to the foyer. 
I didn't.
I really bought the tree print for Doug. 
For either a late Anniversary or a pre Valentine gift.

It was funny, he opened it and smiled and said that he had looked at getting one for me.
Good thing I'm either late or early so that we didn't overlap and both buy the same gift.
That would be bad given that they are custom and not returnable.

So, disaster averted!

And here is the print on the wall.
Yes, the prints are high.

I cleaned off the entry table so that the picture would look nice.
All the junk mail that usually sits on the table is hiding nicely in the drawer.

So you see, usually, I would need the prints high like that to see them over the accumulated "stuff."

Hmm. Now what am I going to get Doug for V-Day?
I might should have thought that thru a little longer....

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