Friday, January 28, 2011

A Strange Night and Post-Infectious Bronchitis

Have you ever had a completely sleepless night, total insomnia or some reason your brain wouldn't stop and you never went to sleep even though you were in bed from 9pm to 5am?

Well, I did Wednesday night.  It was nuts.

It's been a hard week and teachers everywhere are facing the daunting reality that teaching as we know it is changing because of careless politicians.  Many, many teachers are losing jobs and districts are facing tough choices.  It is really sad.  Because the reality for us it that when we strip down our schools to the bare bones we are short-changing our kids. I am truly worried that unless something dramatic changes and funding returns to education in the state budget, that we will lose a generation of tomorrow's leaders.

So needless to say, there is a little stress.

But not going to sleep? That's crazy.  While I do mull each day in my mind at night and plan the next day, I still go to sleep at a decent hour.

But not Wednesday night.

So as I lay in the bed I sang praise and worship songs in my head.  I've always been one that can actually hear the music in my head ( I already know I'm on the crazy side of crazy..) so at least I was entertained. :)

Then about 1:30 am my heart started burning like it was on fire and God told me to immediately pray for my sister, her husband and their daughter. It was like when Samuel heard God in 1Samuel 3.  No, I did not hear an audible voice, but God directly spoke into my heart and told me exactly what to say. I did a virtual prayer walk around her house. It was incredible.  I wanted to call my sister, but I didn't want to scare her at 2am!  So I texted her and told her what was going on.  I asked God that please, please, if something was wrong for Him to use the ping of my text to wake her up.  She didn't text back, so I went back to bed.

I thought hey, awesome.  I felt so privileged that God would use me this way and thanked Him for not allowing me to sleep.  (thinking that I would be going to sleep now!!)

But nope.  My chest heart.  My heart felt to big for my ribcage and my pulse was high. 

Finally at 5am I got up and got ready for the day.

Thankfully I had an awesome workshop presenter (Jill) lined up for my classes from Texas Pottery and all was ready.  An interesting side note here.  When we scheduled her workshop, it was originally scheduled for another day.  Isn't it incredible how things work out?

When I heard from my sister later in the day, she said that she hadn't slept well, but that all was okay.

I made it through the day amazingly well.  I still felt icky, but God had gave me amazing energy. We have an after hours clinic that is open late, so I went in and found out that my bronchitis from a couple of weeks ago hasn't cleared up yet.  The infection is gone, but the inflammation is still there.  So all my crazy symptoms that I have been having make sense now.  I'd never heard of Post-Infectious Bronchitis.  Hopefully with meds and a little rest, I'll be well soon!

Finishing off my crazy day, I finally went to sleep a little after 10pm and never moved until 5:30am this morning.

And there you have it.  Sorry for such a long tale, but it is really quite abbreviated.  You know, there are a lot of hours in the night when you are not sleeping!

And just a side note about praying or singing  "Fill me Holy Spirit. Speak to me.  Use me."  These are not idle words or a time filler.  They are a wonderful invitation to the Father to join Him on an adventure. I pray that you will join Him on an adventure soon!

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